What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that uses extracts from plants — called
essential oils — to improve health naha aromatherapy certification online. The oils are inhaled or put on the skin in
massages, baths or scented sprays. Several studies suggest that some essential oils
can reduce stress, relieve pain and fight infections. However, more research is
needed to support these claims. The oils are made from the cells that give plants
their fragrance and many other benefits. Oils can be distilled from flowers, trees,
bark, roots and other plant parts. They can also be combined to create blends.

Inhalation of the oils stimulates olfactory nerve receptors in the nose, which send
messages to other parts of the brain that control emotions and other functions. It is
believed that the scents also trigger a reaction in the limbic system of the brain,
which regulates moods and memories. The oils can also be mixed with a carrier oil,
such as sweet almond, jojoba or coconut, to apply them to the skin for massage or in
a lotion.
Some people use the oils to treat conditions such as headaches, insomnia and
stomach upset. Others believe that certain oils boost energy and help with
concentration. The oils can also be used to clean surfaces and eliminate odors.
There are about 100 types of essential oils. The most commonly used ones are
lavender, rose, chamomile and peppermint.
Because essential oils can be poisonous if they are swallowed or inhaled at high
levels, it’s important to use them correctly. Those with sensitive skin should dilute
the oil before applying it to the skin. It’s also important to know if you have any nut
allergies, since some of the carrier oils are derived from nuts. It’s also a good idea to
avoid sun exposure after using the oils, because some of them may make your skin
more sensitive to sunlight.

If you’re buying essential oils online or at a natural-food store, look for pure products
without additives or fillers. It’s also helpful to find a reputable aromatherapist, who
can guide you in the use of the oils. They’ll be able to recommend a scent that suits
your personality and needs.
Aromatherapy isn’t regulated like drugs, so it’s important to consult a trained
professional before you start using the oils on your own. The National Association of
Holistic Aromatherapists lists some places to find an aromatherapist, or you can ask
for a recommendation at a spa or yoga studio. People who are pregnant or
breastfeeding should only use the oils under a doctor’s care. Ingesting some of the
oils can cause liver or kidney damage or harm to a fetus. Also, some of the oils are
flammable, so they should be kept away from flames. They can also irritate the eyes
and respiratory tract if they come into contact with them. If your oil starts to smell
bad or burns when you’re using it, stop and use another type. It’s usually safe to
inhale diluted oils, but it’s not safe to ingest them or apply them to the skin when
they’re concentrated.

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